Licensing #
To use all the features of the ETL data_snake software, you need to buy a License which will allow you to receive a License Key. ETL data_snake allows you to add multiple License Keys and requires at least one valid License Key to work.
Each License Key is provided for a set period of time. License Key validation is based on the key itself as well as its Not before and Expires on dates. If there is no valid License Key present, the ETL data_snake software will not allow you to run Processes and any scheduled Processes will not run. The Modeler will work, but you will not be able to save changes to Modifiers. You will also be unable to import or run Modifiers.
If you have any valid License Keys and all of them will expire in less than 30 days (this can be configured), a message will be displayed on the Home Page.
License Key Management #
Only the user with the administration
permission can manage License Keys. Refer to the
After Install section for details about how to login as a
user with the administration
To access the License Key Management, click the Settings button in the menu on the left.
In the Settings section, select the License Keys tab. There, you will see:
- A message informing whether there is a valid License Key provided in the system,
- A list of all License Keys:
- the License Key,
- the key’s Status,
- the key’s Name,
- the Date when the key becomes valid,
- the Date the key expires on,
- additional actions:
- key’s details,
- edit key,
- delete key,
- the + Add a licence key button.
License Key Details #
Clicking the icon opens the License Key’s details section.
There you can see more information about the License Key:
- the License Key,
- the key’s Status,
- the key’s Subject,
- the Date when the key becomes valid,
- the Date the key expires on,
- Contact email for inquiries about this particular License Key (
), - Additional information about this License Key (
License Key Edit #
Clicking the icon opens the License Key’s edit section.
There you can edit the License Key in the text field.
Clicking the Save button will validate the edited key.
Adding a License Key #
After aquiring a licence, to add a new License Key click the + Add a licence key button. This will navigate you to the Add License Key section where you can enter the aquired key in the text field.
Clicking the Save button will validate the key. If the key is valid, a message will be shown
above the list of License Keys (1) and the new License Key will have the ok
status (2).