Edit a User

Edit a User #

To enter the Edit user section, click the username on the list of Users in the Administration Section. You can also navigate to the Edit User section by clicking the Save and continue editing button while Adding a new user.

When you enter the Edit User section, you can edit the following information:

  1. Change User - in this section you can change the Username used for login as well as Change the User’s Password,
  2. Personal Info - in this section you can change details about the User (First name, Last name, Email address),
  3. Manage Permissions - Here you can change what the User can do while working with ETL data_snake,
  4. Important dates - here you can check when the User has logged in lately and when the User was created or added.

At the bottom there are four buttons:

  1. Delete - removes the User permanently; clicking this shows a confirmation dialog; instead of deleting users, it is better to Deactivate them in the Manage Permissions section,
  2. Save and add another - save changes and navigate to the Add new User section,
  3. Save and continue editing - save the current changes to the User and stay in this section,
  4. SAVE - save changes to the User and go back to the Users list.

Changing Password #

To change the selected User’s password, you need to click the this form link located in the Password field.

After clicking the link, you will be navigated to the Change password section where you need to provide only the new password in both fields and click the CHANGE PASSWORD button.

Changing passwords of LDAP Users this way is meaningless, as they are verified using their respective systems!

If you do not want to change the password, simply exit this section without clicking the CHANGE PASSWORD button.

Manage Permissions #

In this part of the Edit User section, you can give the Users access to various parts of the ETL data_snake software. Every newly created User or a User added by LDAP does not have any permissions, thus does not have any access to the ETL data_snake software and is only able to view the Home Page. It is the job of the User with the Staff status to add permissions to each User.

You can manage permissions by modifying the following fields:

  1. Active - whether the User can log in to the system; this should be checked unless the User should not have access to the ETL data_snake software; this is the preferred method of removing Users from ETL data_snake as LDAP Users are added automatically upon login, deleting Users is irreversible, and might be impossible, because Users might be connected to other objects in the database,
  2. Staff status - whether the User can access the Administration Section; this should only be checked if the User is to be permitted to the Administration Section,
  3. Superuser status - whether the User has access to all parts of the ETL data_snake software, excluding the Administration Section; when this is checked, you do not have to give the administration permission to the User,
  4. Groups - manage the groups the User is part of; by default, there are no groups; More information about groups can be found here.
  5. User permissions - here you can assign specific permissions to the User; select the permissions you wish to assign from the left table and click on the right arrow between the two tables; to remove permissions, select them from the right table and click the left arrow between the two tables.

Information about what access various User Permissions give is described below in the User Permissions Matrix.

User Permissions Matrix #

Permission Name Description
administration [ administration ] Access to all functionality of system
predef_target_management [ predef_target_management ] Access to create/read/update/delete predefined datatarget
predef_source_management [ predef_source_management ] Access to create/read/update/delete predefined datasource
processes_management [ processes_management ] Access to create/update/remove processes and modifiers
processes_run [ processes_run ] Access to run processes and modifiers
processes_view [ processes_view ] Access to view processes and modifiers
Notice that a User with the processes_management permission does not need the processes_run nor processes_view permissions and a User with processes_run does not need processes_view, but cannot create/update/remove Processes and Modifiers.
The predef_target_management and predef_source_management permissions need to be granted additionally to a user with processes_management, processes_run or processes_view permissions if the user should have access to managing Predefined Sources or Targets
A User with the administration permission does not have access to the Administration Section. You have to give that User the Superuser status or Staff status described above in the Manage Permissions section.