Adding New Users

Adding New Users #

To add a new user, click the Users table from the Site administration list.

On the Users list, click the ADD USER + button to add new users.

This will open a form, where you must fill out the following fields:

  1. Username - the username of the new user,
  2. Password - the password used to login as the new user,
  3. Password confirmation - repeat the password for the new user.

To finish, you can click on one of the three buttons:

  1. Save and add another - add a new user and clear the form to add a new one,
  2. Save and continue editing - add a new user and navigate to the Edit User section,
  3. SAVE - add a new user and navigate to the Edit User section.

New users do not have any permissions set, so you will have to Add permissions to each new user.


If the ETL data_snake software is configured to use LDAP Server (e.g. OpenLDAP or Active Directory) then you do not have to add new users, as they will automatically be added when they first log in. However, each user will not have any permissions, so you will have to Add permissions to each new user.

Even when you are using LDAP, you can add new users manually.